Well, this week has been a blur. I feel like I have just been on an exchange all week... but slowly reality creeps in and I realize that I am not in Kansas in anymore... um I mean Wyoming! haha But for reals I am not in Wyoming anymore and I miss it like CRAZY!! Who knew that I would come to love Wyoming so much?! I sure didn't. But the people there are truly incredible!! I love them so much! My first full day here I felt like a chauffeur, just driving my companion around to our district meeting and then to appointments. I am the senior companion so I am the designated driver, but she knows the area so, yeah a chauffer! That's ok! Thanks to my GPS and my awesome direction skills (seriously my talent has come in handy) we have gotten places pretty well! Although I totally accidently drove outside my area... into a different town this week, OOPS! haha
I have met so many members here it's good, but hard! My usually talent of remembering names has kind of gone out the window. It will just take time!
On Sunday nothing says welcome to the ward like being asked to say the opening prayer in Sacrament Meeting!!!! It was the first time I have ever had to pray in Sacrament Meeting, it's kind of nerve wracking!! But it's all good!!! There is a lot of work to be done in this ward. There are pretty much no progressing investigators and so we set some ridiculously high goals this week, and it will happen!! I want to see miracles here so badly!! This ward has a lot of potential; it will be good! I will learn to love tracting, so that's a plus right?! Last night after dinner I was like, we have to go to this house because it looks like a family lives there? So I turned the car around and went, were they interested, no. That's ok! I will do anything to find a family here in COLORADO!!!!!!! Starting over isn't fun, but that's ok! I can do it with help from the Lord!!! I came across 2 Nephi 4:19-21 today in my studies, SO GREAT!!!!!
Well, have a MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!!!!!! Don't' forget to share the love that our Savior has for YOU with someone else you love! That is the best thing we can do this Christmas season!! It is going to be great!! Heavenly Father loves you and wants everyone to know that He loves them! You can help them know that!! SHARE THE GOSPEL, and help the missionaries out by sharing the gospel :) haha have a great season!!!
Sister Kelly Smith
P.S. Sister Smith got to skype with her family on Christmas Day. Boy, was that a highly anticipated event and so happy for all of us! It was great to see her happy face and hear her bear such strong testimony of the restored Church of Jesus Christ and to hear how much she loves being a missionary! We love this girl!!!!!!
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