Tuesday: We got to go to mission prep class, and it was so fun! One of my friends here is getting her mission call TOMORROW (most likely) and I seriously hope she gets called to California, to my home mission! haha It would just be so fun! I love teaching mission prep, or helping out with the lesson.
Wednesday: Crazy AWESOME day! My companion and I taught 6 lessons that day! This is a HUGE accomplishment for us! We had a lesson with an investigator and we finally taught as companions! I gave her a huge hug afterward because I was so excited! It went way better than I expected! I’m proud of her for stepping it up, and letting the Spirit teach through her! Our investigator didn't read the Book of Mormon since we last met with him, so I was devastated, and I let him know, too. We need to be devastated and show it when someone doesn't read the Book of Mormon; it is the KEYSTONE TO OUR RELIGION! Later that evening, we got to go to mutual, and it was so fun! A 12 yr. old and a 17 yr. old taught me some things and then I taught them things. We role-played together and it was fun!
Thursday: EXCHANGES with Sister C! She is SO COOL!! I had so much fun, and I learned a lot from her! We got to go to the L family's and I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! I think I mention Sister L in every email, because she has made that much of an impact on my life! We had an opportunity to hear a woman pray in Russian, and it was so beautifu! I have gained a new appreciation for languages on my mission: Spanish, French, Russian, German, and most importantly the language of the Holy Ghost. That is the universal language! I have no idea what our investigator was sayin, but I felt the Spirit
Friday: We did a fair amount of service, which I love to do!
Saturday: Trip to the small town in our ward boundaries. It was so fun to go on a roadtrip! We were able to contact a less-active family, and teach them a lesson.
Moral of the week: The Holy Ghost is the one that teaches! Invite your friends to activities, to hear the missionaries, to read the Book of Mormon! The Holy Ghost will help you as you open your mouth. Doctrine and Covenants 84:85. I really like Alma 32:21 right now, it’s such a powerful scripture. I still get kind of shocked that people don't read the Book of Mormon. It is so important and vital to our success in life. We need it to feel the Holy Ghost more in our life. I have loved studying it on my mission, it's incredible!!!
The Holy Ghost is REAL, Heavenly Father LOVES YOU!! So do I :)
Sister Kelly Smith
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