Sunday, July 20, 2014

COLORADO Pig Fellowshipping + Pouring Rain = Living a Missionary Life!!

Reunion time and we had fun talking about Longmont and memories, miracles we saw there!!! LONGMONT PEEPS we miss you!!!!!!!! 
What a crazy awesome week!! MIRACLES were so great to see, as always :) The best thing is when I get to feel the Spirit! It's like icing on the cake :) Goal: to get the people I teach to feel the Spirit, but then when I do too, it's just AMAZING!!!!

Monday: Seeing  C& C was AWESOME!! I just love them so much!! I am excited for their future and the blessings that are in store :) Lesson with R went really well :) We read 1 Nephi 5 with her and talked about chapter 4. We just read where she was and answered questions. She is so solid--I love her! She is gone and won't be back till next week though, so that's a bummer we can't meet with her for awhile!

Tuesday: Exchange with Sister C!!! She came to my area which was awesome!! We did a fair amount of service and riding our bikes! haha It was a first for Sister C! I love her! We got to teach N. Ok, I think I forgot to tell you about him last week. Well he was a new investigator last week. So this was our second time teaching him! He is 18 and I'm not sure how interested he is. So we decided he really needed to understand the nature of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ (he is currently studying Hindu). So we watched the Restoration video and talked about prayer. I hope he prays!!!! Then we had dinner with non-members, J and K. Their neighbors came too (who are members). It was an interesting dinner. Very friendly and nice but the conversation wasn't focused. so it wasn't a hard fat lesson, but we were still able to talk about the church and the Book of Mormon. I gave them one, and we had previously given them a Restoration pamphlet so she had read that! We are hopeful that we will meet with them again, but check this out: MIRACLE!!! Before dinner they wanted to say grace, perfect! We all hold hands, and what does K begin the prayer with? "Heavenly Father" and then he closed in the name of Jesus Christ!!!! WHO DOES THAT?! I literally turned to Sister C and mouthed/whispered "WOW!" I was shocked, so cool! I want to teach them!! Then we had a lesson with B (the one who is getting baptized in August)! I just love him, he's so great! We ended up talking about the introduction to the Book of Mormon and then Mormon and Moroni, and the Sacrament so that was different, but what he needed! 

Wednesday: Exchanged back and had zone meeting. We had a lesson with Sister O. I love her! We watched Good Things to Come by Elder Holland (the Mormon message). She cried. 2 Nephi 4, read it! I love being able to recognize that we need to do that right thing no matter what.  Sometimes we won't always see the blessings immediately, but they do come, maybe in the eternities, but they do come! We are asked to do our part now, and that's all we can do! 

We went to do some planning/inputting phone numbers into our phone by this stream... well it was infested with mosquitoes, so we left pretty quick!!! But it was GORGEOUS and I LOVED IT!!!
Thursday: Did service for a less active and talked about the Atonement, love it!!! She just needs love.  "How can each of us become such a significant influence?  We must be sure to sincerely love those we want to help in righteousness so they can begin to develop confidence in God's love.  For so many in the world, the first challenge in accepting the gospel is to develop faith in a Father in Heaven, who loves them perfectly.  It is easier to develop that faith when they have friends or family members who love them in a similar way."  -Elder Richard G. Scott
Everyone needs a fellowshipper and friend! We had a lesson with B that night... well we show up at the member’s home, they weren't home but their daughter who served a mission in Las Vegas was there. We were like “it's fine, he might not even show up.” Well he did, so we had an impromtu lesson with her, and it was INCREDIBLE!!! We talked about baptism and read 2 Nephi 31. He totally felt the Spirit and we were able to help him recognize it!!! Then the members came home and also our ward mission leader showed up to meet B so that was crazy!

Friday: 7/11 So we got free slurpees with the YSA sisters! I don't have pics because I left my camera at home! And dinner with N's mom, and found out that he listened to her read the Book of Mormon!! Sweetness!!! Slow progress, and I'll take it!!! She thinks that it would be worth billions of dollars for her kids to accept the gospel!!! The ward had dessert night, so we got to go to 3 different homes and see people there! It was great! The best was where the kids could go (two were for adults only). We played a game with some people and briefly met two promising potential investigators. 

Saturday: Well we went out and did service and it POURED!! Sometimes it is super sunny then all of a sudden decides to rain, so we got soaked!! It's like the movies. So we got pretty soaked multiple times this weekend, but that's just a day in the life of this Sister Missionary!! I wouldn't trade it for anything! We didn't have any lessons scheduled for after dinner... wow, that was a MIRACLE!! Dinner had dairy in it... and I didn't know! So I came home feeling pretty sick, and then the member called feeling horrible that there was dairy in the cake, that's ok! I am relieved to know that that's what the problem was!! So my companion foot zoned me (it's what Grandma L did up in Laramie) it helped a little, but such a great service for me! My comp is pretty awesome!!
It rained really hard and flooded this street, then right after, the sun came out!!!
 Sunday: Ok... so there is man in the ward (not a member) and we had just talked to him at his door, briefly, and got his wife's number (she is less active). Well in Ward Council that day we found out that he would be willing to roast a pig for a ward activity!!! WHAT? That's cool! He is ALL for helping us out with a BBQ type thing. Sweet-- pig fellowshipping, sign me up!!! Hopefully I will get to try pig when it is cooked in the ground soon :) B CAME TO SACRAMENT MEETING!!! So funny, we called him and he told us he would only make it to Sacrament meeting, but then we didn't tell our ward mission leader, so during priesthood (since it is swapped here and Sacrament meeting is last) he sent two ward missionaries to his house to go get him. So B was really well fellowshipped. He came and we met him out front, then brought him in to the building. Our job complete. The ward mission leader had him sit by him and his family, then after church he was like a celebrity! So many people talked to him! And since he had been to church before, but like a year ago, it was great! That night we had an awesome miracle and saw the two promising potential investigators from Friday at the R’s house!! We got to sing for him and his kid around the piano. We were at the Rs when C and his son came by. I loved singing with two of their girls while J played the piano! I can't wait to sing and play with you Nikaela :) LOOK OUT!! I felt the Spirit so strongly while we were singing, it was so great to be in a fun family setting and feel the Spirit and have our potential investigators there!

Have a fabulous week! Love you all!
Sister Kelly Smith

This is the last week of the transfer, for reals?! Time is going by SO FAST!!!

We decided we wanted pictures of us on our member’s kitchen cupboards to go along with their grandkids pics :) haha too fun! They loved it, and still have the pictures up! These are all from our missions... well most of them! She wants to leave them up to show the Young Women!!!! 

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