Tuesday: We went to our dinner appointment, and found out that one of our investigators is going to be baptized! We are SOOOO happy!
Wednesday: MIRACLE, MIRACLE, MIRACLE DAY!!!! We had an awesome district meeting and it was just a group role-play which was great! I learned a lot! I totally felt the Spirit for what our "investigator" needed. And other missionaries mentioned them too, so it was really cool that other missionaries felt the same thing!!! Then we had lunch and went to teach another of our investigators. MOST LEGIT LESSON I HAVE HAD IN A WHILE! We watched the Restoration DVD with him because he was struggling with Joseph Smith (in the sense that he didn't recognize an intense witness from the Holy Ghost that Joseph Smith truly was a prophet). Well after we watched it he said he totally can relate and feels peace and warmth. He said: "I feel the Holy Ghost every time we meet." AAAAHHHH It was so cool to know that we really do carry the Spirit with us! Well we asked him again if he would get baptized and he said yes! AAAHHHH! I loved feeling the Spirit and knowing that he wants to make this step in his life. That night we went to a former investigator’s house. She showed us a picture of her daughter (who is a member of the church). And guess what? Her daughter married into a family I know in the last town I served in in Wyoming! SMALL WORLD!!! I tell you transfers are inspired! If I hadn't been assigned to serve in my secondary ward in my last town that last transfer, I would never had heard or seen her daughter, and now I have the opportunity to teach her mother. AAAAHHHH, MIRACLE. MIRACLE. MIRACLE!!!!!
I love them!! We got an appointment to teach!!!!
Friday: Such a great day! I love teaching so much!! I met a less-active that I have never met before (and I have been here for 6 weeks). Then I started an exchange with a sister in a small town near my zone. Well guess what? She is from Globe Arizona -- the little town I spent a week in 2 years ago with my friend from BYU!! She totally knows my friend, so that was really cool!!
Saturday: We saved miles so we walked around the town (it is that small). We taught an amazing powerful lesson on how the Book of Mormon is important and goes with the Bible. I love testifying of the Book of Mormon and how much it has blessed my life! I was so incredibly exhausted and didn't get to the other Sister Training Leader's house till 10:15... it was a late night.
Sunday: Woke up at 6, so I could get back to my house to get ready for our early morning meetings and switch back with our companions! It was really early, but that's ok! CHURCH was INCREIDBLE!!! We had 3 investigators at church and a handful of less-actives MIRACLES!!!!!!!!!! We had a lesson that afternoon with one of our investigators, and what does she tell us after we read 3 Nephi 11 with her? THAT SHE WANTS TO GET BAPTIZED!!!!! Later, I got to see one of my friends from Wyoming!! Only one of the coolest people I know!!! I loved seeing her!! She is truly amazing!!!
Moral of the week: TRANSFERS are INSPIRED!!!!!!!! Obedience brings blessings!!! I am nervous about transfers this week... but the most calm I have ever been. I will probably still be here, but I think my companion mightl be leaving... I have mixed feelings about that. Last night she told me: "I don't want to train because I will be their first companion. Sister C was my first companion, you are my trainer." AAAAHHHH Ok, warmed my heart and I totally feel like I have fulfilled my purpose as her companion. It has been a complete difference this week! She has gained confident to take the lead in teaching, and our numbers were so great! She has seen better numbers in this area, but she didn't feel like she contributed to them. I love my companion and am grateful for the time I have had with her, but who knows, maybe we will stay together, all I know is that transfers are truly inspired and I am so grateful for that!!
Sister Kelly Smith
I think it's time for my Christmas tree to go... good memories!! Love my ornaments! They will stay with me!!!
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