On Tuesday I found out that someone in my family passed away; that was hard. After teaching some lessons, and attending meetings, I came home and called President Brown back (he had called just as we were going into a lesson). He said that I could talk to my family for 10 minutes, but said I needed to keep it short!! I talked to my family and it was the best, but so hard to do! Family, I love you so much, and hearing your voices and being able to call you in September is a huge miracle/blessing! I planned on only two phone calls in the field, and on Tuesday I got and extra one. I am blessed! Seriously, such a short conversation, but I loved it!
Wednesday was zone conference. There were about 60 missionaries. President and Sister Brown came up, and it was held in my zone. There were three zones here (there are eight in my mission). Zones are the missionary term for “stake,” but the zones are the same as the stake boundaries. So missionaries serving in three stakes came. Sister H was here for zone conference and talking to her was awesome! I loved seeing some of the elders in my zone that live way out. President gave some great training, but training from 9am-4pm is a long time! We did have a nice lunch break in between. After saying goodbye to Sister H and some other friends, I came home and cried. The news from the day before was starting to sink in, and I still don't think it has set in all the way, but then saying goodbye to a dear friend was hard too. So I cried, but receiving a priesthood blessing that night was wonderful! I love being able to hear directly from my Heavenly Father what He wants to tell me. We taught a lesson that night to a less-active, and one of our new ward missionaries came with us. She is awesome, and I'm so excited to work with her and her husband!
On Friday, we went to the soup kitchen for the first time since being in this town, and it was so great! We made zucchini bread. We taught a lesson to the awesome seven-year-old girl at President D's house, and I love that little girl! But man she was talkative on Friday night, it was hard to get the lesson in! She is not going to get baptized this transfer, so hopefully I am here in October to see her get baptized. When we were coming out of the lesson, we saw President D (the stake president) with a gun and it was awesome! Welcome to Wyoming!
On Saturday we did four hours of service, most of it at Salvation Army, I love that place! We almost got our 10 hours of service in this week, which was great! I don't know if I have mentioned this, but I am in a pilot mission for "Just Serve." Each companionship of missionaries is supposed to get 10 hours of service in each week. It has been difficult scheduling that in, especially with teaching so many more people now. And teaching takes priority over Just Serve. We met with our new ward mission leader, actually he had us over for dinner, and it was awesome! He just moved into our ward, but has lived in this town for 20+ years, and gave us four referrals! I love the W family!! They are BYU fans, and just amazing. They are totally going to help us out with missionary work, and probably with anything we need...
On Sunday we found out that the people we have been teaching decided to get baptized next Saturday! I am super excited for them and look forward to their special day when they make covenants with Heavenly Father.
On Monday we had to pick up the license plates for our car, so we drove down to Fort Collins mission home. We stopped again at the temple site in Fort Collins, and the Holy Ghost was there! I can't wait for the temple to be built. I got to stand in that lot before it was dedicated, and after it was dedicated. There is a different feel after it has been dedicated! We also went shopping (P Day) and met up with some other sisters and elders in that area. It was a great hour hanging out with them, and so worth the driving.
Moral of the week: Work hard even when you don't want to. Even when you feel sick, physically or emotionally. The Holy Ghost is there, look for it! Look for the miracles in your daily lives! Sometimes it is hard, but the Lord always has a hand in our lives! Ether 12:4, have faith and then hope, and you can make it through!
Build your foundation on our Savior Jesus Christ. He is there for you ALWAYS! I am still trying to work on that, and probably will the rest of my life. Heavenly Father lives and loves each of us! I KNOW THAT! I know it with all my heart, that He is truly there for us! There is a power in the Book of Mormon and I love reading it. Immerse yourself in it every day! Don’t just scan every day, read every day.
Love you all,
Sister Kelly Smith
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