We taught many lessons to people who are either investigating the church or are less active and considering coming back to church. We get so excited when they come to church and to the youth meetings during the week.
My companion is a fabulous teacher and she is an incredible missionary!
We got a door slammed in our faces!! I was laughing too hard when that happened! For reals, someone shut the door, and we didn't even see them! haha It was the weirdest, funniest thing! Well I guess I am officially a missionary now, ok not really, but I feel like every missionary has to experience that.
We had an awesome lunch after the baptism, provided by the L family! Sister L is an awesome cook, and we have this running joke that I get bacon every time they feed us a meal. Sister L made sure that there was bacon in the salad! One time sister L just cooked us two slices of bacon to take home with us after a lesson, it was hilarious! I was laughing so hard! It's the little things on a mission that make it fun and memorable!
Sunday was the confirmation for the two who were baptized on Saturday, and it was great! The mom said that it was powerful when she was confirmed a member and received the gift of the Holy Ghost! I would be so confused without the Holy Ghost in my life! The Spirit is the one that teaches, and has blessed me so much in my life; now other people can enjoy that gift too!!! EVERYONE can enjoy that gift! Ask the missionaries, they can help you! We can help you feel more peace and understanding in your life, but that is only possible through the knowledge we have of the Restored Gospel
I just have no clue what will happen with transfers... I find out in a matter of days. Seriously this transfer went by so fast! I am almost 1/4 of the way done with my mission, seriously?!!! TIME GOES BY SO FAST!!!
On Monday for P-Day I got my hair cut by a sister in our ward. Let's just say I am still getting used to the fact that I have bangs! I haven't had bangs in years, side bangs… interesting but I will get used to it :)
Challenge to ANYONE who reads this: Invite someone you know to hear the first missionary lesson! YEAH DO IT!! If you read this and are not a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, go to Mormon.org and request to be taught by the missionaries! Seriously DO IT!! Even if the only reason you do it is for me, DO IT! You will bless lives when you invite, you never know what someone might say! They might say no, or yes! But you have to invite to see what happens!!
Love you all,
Sister Kelly Smith