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When I received my mission call |
Well, this is it. I will be released as a missionary tomorrow. I will no longer be a representative of my Savior Jesus Christ distinguished by a black name tag. This name tag has held so much meaning to me throughout my entire time as a missionary. I know that I will have the opportunity to further the Lord's work just in a different way. As a member missionary!
My first day in the Denver Colorado Mission |
My last weeks in the Fort Collins Colorado Mission |
This week was SO GOOD! I could not have asked for a better last week as a full-time missionary!
Monday: We met with a somewhat less-active family and taught them the doctrine of Christ! It was so fun and great! They have a daughter who is 7 and her dad asked her why we get baptized. It was so cool to see her answer and struggle with the question but then understand it at the end! Then they invited us over to dinner for Wednesday, SWEET!! We also got to see L, a recent convert and answer questions she has found while reading the Book of Mormon, so that was great! We also got to meet with another less-active who recently was divorced. I know that the gospel will help us, especially in times of need. It is so hard to see people struggling and yet they don't realize that it would be easier to handle if they just turned to our Heavenly Father!
Tuesday: WE GOT 2 NEW INVESTIGATORS!!! Ok, this was a MIRACLE!! We received a referral from a member a couple weeks ago and we were able to set up an appointment with C and A for Tuesday night! It was one of the best first lessons I have had with someone in awhile time! So we show up and C (the mom) lets us in right away! Then we meet the dad, and the brother, and A (who is 10 years old). They were so polite and just very courteous, it was AWESOME!!! And they had a Christmas tree already up (which was like icing on the cake for me, I love Christmas, and Christmas trees)! The brother couldn't join us due to homework and the dad stayed briefly until he had to run off to a meeting :( But WOW, Heavenly Father is preparing this family through the youngest person... the 10 year old daughter). She had so many deep questions and was just searching for truth! They have gone to different churches and looked into different religions. They told us how they stepped out of one and the different views they had. A's questions were gearing towards the Plan of Salvation so we taught her that. A started off with, "Ok who is God? Does He live in heaven? Where is heaven?" It was the CUTEST thing, and also she really wanted to know! After we explained it, while answering her questions throughout she said that this was the happiest religion she has heard about yet! YES IT IS!! It just melted my heart! I love how Jesus Christ can hasten this work through children. They said they were going to come to at least Sacrament meeting on Sunday, WWWOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!! We also heart attacked a recent convert for her birthday! She is from Canada and was feeling a little homesick so it was great that we could do that for her! I LOVE her and her husband!
Wednesday: We had an awesome lesson with C (a recent convert). She is FANTASTIC! Oh, it was her birthday the day before :) She teaches me so much when we visit her! Dinner at the D’s was so great! I was able to talk to her about how she joined the church, it was so cool! I love how Heavenly Father really does have a hand in our lives and guides us to the truth multiple times but let's us use our agency! I know that it does bless our lives and that when we are converted (and continue on conversion process) our lives will change!
Thursday: I had the chance to go to the TEMPLE with President and Sister Brown! It was fantastic! I love being able to go to the temple! It really is the House of the Lord! I know that by making and keeping covenants we are able to return home to our Father in Heaven! I know that the Holy Ghost is real and testifies of truth! I was able to feel the Spirit in the temple and I know that it is where we all need to strive to go! We were able to help a lady in our ward make origami flowers for the Windsor building open house that is in a couple of weeks! It was so nice to help her out because she has to make a LOT of them, and it was a fun service project! We got to meet with S that night! I LOVE S! She is such a cute Young Woman! She has struggled a lot in the past and is coming out of it, it's fantastic to see her!
Friday: D... HE IS AWESOME!!! It is a blessing to work with him! He told us that he hasn't gone out to drink in a while and when his friend invites him, D tells his friend that is won't come and is going to spend time with his family, AAAHHHHHHH!!! It's the best! And he later told us that he is lowering the nicotine level in his vaporizer thingy... YES!!!!!! I am so excited for him to one day get baptized! He knows he needs to and he knows this is true! At first he was like people are brainwashed... but we then were able to talk about testimonies and recognizing the Spirit. He told us that he feels the Spirit when we come over. That was SO COOL to hear! I love teaching D and will miss him and his family.
Saturday: We stopped and talked to this sweet lady walking her dog, I love street contacting and will miss it! We had the chance to visit a family whose mother is really sick and can't get to church. The Young Woman daughter and her father played some hymns for us while we sang, it was so sweet! We got to teach V again which was super cool! She is just such a sweet spirit.
Sunday: My last Sunday as a missionary :( I thought it would be hard, and that I would just bawl my eyes out, nope! Heavenly Father helped me out with that one! Instead of being sad He replaced it with such a strong Spirit! I just felt so much joy during sacrament meeting! It was the BEST THING EVER! I know that my mission is about to end, but my life as a disciple of Christ is beginning. I know that taking the sacrament really is a renewal for the soul! The rest of the day went so well! I loved being in mission prep and being an example for the youth! We role played but it was super fun. At the end our Ward Mission Leader asked Elder B to stand up and give a bad example of how we are the message, and give a door approach. He just stared at his feet and shuffled around, looking bummed that he needed to share the gospel. I wouldn't want to listen to him and neither did the youth. Then I got to stand up and show them how smiling and being excited really makes a difference. As we stand confidently, we will sound confident and our word choice changes. I got to talk to a Young Man and just say, "Hi, I am Sister Smith. I'm a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! I know that Jesus Christ lives and loves you! There is a plan for you! I know that you can read the Book of Mormon and as you do you will come closer to our Savior Jesus Christ. Will you read the Book of Mormon?" He said yes! Even though this was a role play, it felt so good! The Young Men afterward said, "WOAH!" We are the message! As people pass all around us they will be able to tell that we have something different! We have the Holy Ghost! I know we do and as we present ourselves with dignity, having confidence in who we are, miracles will happen! People will want to know why we are so happy and excited! It is because we know that Christ lives and that the church He established while He was on the earth has been restored again!
This week was a fantastic week! I am sad to finish my full-time missionary service, but adventures lie ahead! I just wanted to leave you with my testimony!
I love you all! Thank you for everything! I promise you as a representative of Jesus Christ that peace will come as you seek Him! Come Unto Christ, and be perfected in Him! I know that we can all do this, and as we do, we will be blessed!
Sister Smith
My email will be kelly.smith.2011@gmail.com starting tomorrow.