This week was interesting. I feel like I say that a lot! We had super high goals, and guess what? We only accomplished one of the goals. But our numbers did improve from the previous week, so that's good. But it is very frustrating to set high goals and then come almost nowhere near to accomplishing them. I have to prepare an hour-long training on goal setting and planning this week. I might have to teach it to the district (the district leader asked all of us to prepare a district meeting training, and then we don't know which one of us will actually give the training till Thursday morning during the meeting, and the stake president will be pressure). I have so many ways I want to improve my goal setting, and then actually planning on how to accomplish them. I think we fell short this week because we didn't plan out as well as we could have, and we didn't have the drive as much throughout the week. My companion was also not feeling well on Saturday, so we stayed in the apartment all day. If I have to be the companion that just sits with the sick missionaries, I will do it, if the Lord wants to me to. I just really like talking to people, so being with one person all day and having almost no interaction with other people is hard! Being at home, in "the world" would have been easier, there are more things to do than missionary approved activities! Although I could have watched The District again if I had wanted to.
Cool experiences from this week:
2. My companion and I were headed home for lunch after an appointment and instead of crossing the road (to get to the right side to bike on) we decided to walk a block or two to get to the stop light, and then cross the street. Well we were walking with our bikes down the street and passed a guy. We stop and say hi. We had seen him before when biking a few days earlier. We gave him a Plan of Salvation pamphlet (usually we would give The Restoration, that's the first lesson, POS is second), and he said he would be interested in coming to church! He is from Kenya and is AWESOME! But he didn't come to church. Hopefully we will see him again! He was my first street contact, actually sharing about the gospel, not just handing something out! MTC training paying off!
3. GIRLS CAMP TOMORROW: it is official, we get to go for a few hours! SO AMAING!
4. I realized that this stake needs youth activities. They have hardly any! I am so excited to help out with this, and hopefully I get to stay in Wyoming next transfer.
5. TRANSFERS ARE THIS WEEK! What?! I've been in Wyoming for over a month? I am almost done with my first transfer in the field?! Time goes by way fast!
Things to know: Set goals, and then make plans to accomplish them. Put your trust in the Lord, and pray. Angels are with us! I have felt an angel in the room before (last week), and could recognize her -- it was an amazing experience!
I love you all! Thanks for the continued support through letters, prayers, and gifts/pictures!
Love you lots! Oh I get to meet my new mission president in half an hour, AAAHHHH so excited!
Sister Kelly Smith
Don't worry -- this was P-day, that's why I am in, um, "normal clothes."
Normal clothes to me now is a skirt/dress and shirt. Jeans = abnormal!
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